With consistent warmer weather approaching, many Houstonians are making outside plans. Everyone knows we Houstonians are out of order if its raining or too cold (below 60 degrees).
With the warmer weather, many may be considering planting an outside garden, so today we are going to answer the question, When Should I Start My Garden in Houston?
Houston’s first winter frost date is 11/29, and last frost date is 3/1.
When Should I Plant a Spring Garden in Texas?
According to meterologists, Spring in Texas runs from March 1 until the end of May.
What To Plant in March in Texas?
In addition to a vegetable gardening, spring blooms are on the menu for March planting. Choose blooming plants such as geraniums, petunias, snap dragons, stock, and sweet alyssum.
Houston March Planting Chart
Vegetable | Spring | Start Seeds Indoors | Spring | Sow |
Artichokes | 1/4 | 3/1 |
Beans | 3/1 | |
Celery | 3/8 | |
Corn | 3/8 | |
Cucumbers | 3/1 | |
Eggplant | 1/8 | 3/15 |
Melons | 3/15 | |
Okra | 1/18 | 3/15 |
Peppers | 1/4 | 3/8 |
Pumpkins | 3/15 | |
Squash | 2/15 | 3/15 |
Tomatoes | 1/11 | 3/8 |
Watermelon | 2/15 | 3/15 |