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Celebrate Independence Day in Style: Exciting Events in Katy, TX, and Houston (2023)

As the 4th of July approaches, Katy, TX, and Houston residents eagerly anticipate the festivities that mark this important day in American history. If you're wondering how to make the most of this patriotic holiday, look no further! The Nest Builders Collective, your local community experts, have compiled a comprehensive list of events and activities to enjoy. Get ready to ignite your holiday spirit with...

When Should I Start My Garden in Houston?

With consistent warmer weather approaching, many Houstonians are making outside plans. Everyone knows we Houstonians are out of order if its raining or too cold (below 60 degrees). With the warmer weather, many may be considering planting an outside garden, so today we are going to answer the question, When Should I Start My Garden in Houston? Houston's first winter frost date is 11/29, and...

Detail Cleaning Services

Katy Business Spotlight Detail Cleaning Services This week Katy Business Spotlight will help is the ultimate #timesavinghack No more spending hours cleaning, researching cleaning plans, or spending hundreds of dollars on cleaning products! Message from Emma: Emma Azarte as a mother of 4, including twins, and a business owner, I understand how hard it is to keep up with the home chores....

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